Announcing The First MOSS 2007 WCM Specific Developer Course

Announcing the first-ever course focused solely on MOSS 2007 Web Content Management for developers. No admin topics, just WCM for 4 days.

I’m thrilled to announce the first course that focuses specifically on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 Web Content Management (WCM). That’s right… no general Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) v3 development topics, minimal admin topics, no other MOSS 2007 topics (Excel Services, BDC, Search, etc)… just four days of 100% WCM for developers! Roll up your sleeves, open Visual Studio 2005 & SharePoint Designer 2007, and great ready to sling some Publishing sites out!

I’m delivering this four-day, hands-on, developer focused course through the Ted Pattison Group starting in early July 2007. The course includes twelve (12) modules and assumes that the student has some developer knowledge of WSS v3… but those new to SharePoint are also welcome. What will you get in four days? The course will cover roughly three modules per day:

Schedule of Lectures

  1. WSS Development Primer
  2. Web Content Management Architecture
  3. Authentication & Authorization
  4. Master Pages & Navigation
  5. Creating Custom Page Layouts
  6. Extending the Out-Of-The-Box Authoring Experience
  7. Leveraging WCM Web Parts
  8. Custom Field Types & Controls
  9. Performance Tuning Publishing Sites
  10. Creating Custom Workflow
  11. Content Deployment
  12. Variations

WSS Development Primer

  • Overview of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS)
  • WSS Capabilities
  • Working with Visual Studio 2005 and the WSS object model
  • Working with WSS features & the WSS solution package framework

Web Content Management Architecture

  • Overview of MOSS 2007: added value on top of WSS
  • Overview of Web Content Management (WCM) and Publishing sites
  • Creating Publishing sites
  • Working with the Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing namespace

Authentication & Authorization

  • Additional SharePoint groups and permission levels in MOSS Publishing sites
  • Managing permissions
  • Pluggable authentication
  • Alternative Access Mappings & Zones
  • Utilizing multiple authentication models

Master Pages & Navigation

  • Creating & editing master pages using Office SharePoint Designer 2007
  • Implications of customized & uncustomized master pages (unghosted & ghosted)
  • Managing & deploying Master Pages using the structured development approach
  • Navigation provider model and SharePoint’s site map data sources
  • Customizing the out-of-the-box navigation controls and site map data sources

Creating Custom Page Layouts

  • Creating & editing page layouts using Office SharePoint Designer 2007
  • Adding and editing field controls and Web Part zones on Page Layouts
  • Managing & deploying page layouts using the structured development approach
  • Incorporating 3rd party components (including your custom components)

Extending the Out-Of-The-Box Authoring Experience

  • Customizing and extending the SharePoint Rich HTML Editor
  • Incorporating the telerik r.a.d.editor for Office SharePoint 2007
  • Effectively using the edit mode panel
  • Customizing and extending the Page Editing Toolbar

Leveraging WCM Web Parts

  • Implementing the Table of Contents Web Part
  • Implementing the Summary Links Web Part
  • Implementing the Content Query Web Part
  • Customizing the rendered output of Publishing Web Parts
  • Creating and deploying custom Web Parts

Custom Field Types & Field Controls

  • Creating custom field types
  • Creating custom field controls
  • Incorporating custom field controls and types into page layouts
  • Deploying custom field types and field controls

Performance Tuning Publishing Sites

  • Overview of MOSS WCM performance enhancements
  • Implementing and customizing page output caching
  • Implementing and customizing disk-based object caching
  • Performance techniques when working with the object model

Creating Custom Workflows

  • Creating & editing workflows using Office SharePoint Designer 2007
  • Creating template sequential and state machine workflows using Visual Studio 2005
  • Integrating Office InfoPath 2007 forms into Visual Studio 2005 authored workflows
  • Deploying workflows created using Visual Studio 2005

Content Deployment

  • Overview of MOSS content deployment
  • Publishing content from one environment to another
  • Configuring Content Deployment via the browser-based user interface
  • Working with Content Deployment using the SharePoint object model


  • Overview of Web Content Management multilingual enhancements and capabilities
  • Implementing variations and labels
  • Using variations to implement multilingual and multidevice sites

This course is available in both as an open enrollment offering as well as private engagements. The first date the course will be offered is July 9-12 in Tampa, FL. For more information on scheduling, dates offered, and registration, please refer to the official course page & schedule page.

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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