Chasing A Dream - Going from Corporate Life to Independence

Join me as I share my desire to become an independent consultant, my experience with it, & ultimately, why I chose to return to full-time employment.

For the majority of my professional career, I’ve always wanted to go out on my own as an independent consultant or own my own company. Right after 9/11, I gave it a shot for a few months, learned quite a bit… but in the end, I wasn’t at a point in my life where it the smart or right thing to do so I eventually returned to a full time position with a local company. I never regretted either decision (to go out on my own or take on a full time position) because I learned quite a bit… but the desire didn’t die: I still wanted to try it again one day. Well, after much thought and soul searching with my family, I can’t think of a better time to do it than now.

Later this month I plan to forgo the steady paycheck and move out on my own as an independent consultant. I fully intend to remain deeply focused on SharePoint Technologies, specifically in the area of Enterprise Content Management & Web Content Management in MOSS 2007. This blog will remain active, probably more active! I’m looking forward to continuing SharePoint related development, mentoring, consulting, writing, speaking as well as teaching. I guess you could also think of this post as a bit of a “I’m available for hire” too. :)

The first question I’ve been asked when I tell someone what I’m doing is always about my current employer? I have absolutely nothing but positive things to say about Mindsharp, the people behind the company, and the work they do. I have learned quite a bit over the last year and I appreciate the opportunity Bill & Todd gave me. This decision in no way stems from negative reasons… I’m simply chasing a dream. In the future we expect to be working together as well in different capacities.

For those of you who have me in your address book… my old email will work for a few weeks, but I’d ask you please update your address book to use my personal (now primary) email: me@[ThisDomain] (gotta screw with the spammers a bit here :P), or submit something through the contact page on my blog. My phone numbers (work & cell) will not change.

Here we go… 1 part scary, 3 parts exciting!

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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