New Release of My SharePoint WCM Custom Commands for STSADM

Learn about the recent release of my WCM Custom Commands to help you manage your SharePoint Server 2007 WCM Publishing sites.

Before SharePoint Connections, I posted that I hoped to release a new version of my WCM Custom Commands for STSADMin Vegas during the show, but as with any conference, I just ran out of time. Thanks to a nice long wait in the airport before my Sunday night red-eye back east to Florida and a little spare time the last two nights, I was able to finally pull a new release together that fixed a few outstanding problems and added two new commands.

What’s updated/changed? This new release (v0.5) adds better memory management capabilities to the existing PublishAllItems command that should (1) FIX the OutOfMemory exception some users were experiencing (if you still see this error, please contact me directly with some numbers on the size of your site collection, both the number of sites & pages) and a (2) FIX for a problem that caused you to run the command twice to get some items published (sometimes they weren’t making it all the way through to a published & approved state). Finally I also added a (3) FIX to the installation batch file that was copying the XML file registering the custom action with STSADM to the wrong location.

What’s new? Two new commands: GenSiteColumnsXml & GenContentTypesXml. These two new commands will generate the elements files for use in a WSS v3 Feature for creating site columns and content types. You can get more information on these two commands on the project page (linked below).

I also added an uninstall batch file that will remove all previous versions of the deployed assembly from the GAC and the XML file registering the new actions. It isn’t necessary to run this, but I’d recommend it to keep a tidy GAC (don’t let mom give you grief at next week’s Thanksgiving dinner for a messy GAC!).

This release also includes not only the binaries but the complete source as well! You can get everything (downloads for the binaries, source, documentation, version history, and a change log) from the project page. Finally I added complete unit testing to the entire solution… always a good practice!

As always, your feedback is requested & welcomed! Find any errors, please send them my way (via a comment on the project page or the contact form on my blog). I still plan to add the two changes/additions to the PublishAllItems command I mentioned in my initial announcement post.

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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