Introducing a WCM specific link and resources list

The article discusses how Web Content Management (WCM) has been overshadowed by MOSS in SharePoint, and explains how it is built on WSS and ASP

Let’s face it, Web Content Management (WCM), the successor to MCMS and included in the next version of SharePoint (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS)), hasn’t received much visibility since Microsoft came out and starting talking about MOSS. And now all the MCMS developers are going to become SharePoint developers (well, for those who migrate their MCMS sites to WCM). While WCM is baked into SharePoint now, and thus, is built on top of Windows SharePoint Services v3 (WSS) which itself is built on top of ASP.NET 2.0, it’s hard to filter through all the SharePoint and ASP.NET 2.0 resources out there and find the stuff that’s specifically related to WCM. There are some fantastic link-fests, like Heather Solomon’s SharePoint Resource Links, Joris’ Link Galore (v5), and Mike Walsh’s WSS FAQ.

Over the last few months, I’ve been keeping a running OneNote file of all the WCM pertinent links for my own use. During this time its become evident to me that these links would better serve the MCMS/WCM community if I shared them, which brings me to…

Web Content Management Links and Resources This new page I’ve created contains 100+ links to WCM specific information broken down into 30+ categories and each link also has an icon indicating the content type (ie: PDF, DOC, documentation, article, blog post, download, utility, video/screencast/webcast, etc) of the resource. You’ll find things on migration, 3rd party products, how to’s, webcasts, screencasts, blog postings, articles, documentation, CMS to WCM migration, downloads… you name it!

I’ve also added a little rollover feature for each link that contains a description, the source of the link, URL, and cross-reference information (as shown in the animation below). Yes, cross-reference info! If there’s a how-to article on creating custom field controls, you’ll find it listed under the “how-to” category as well as the “field control” category… no more trying to think “now, what else would this be filed under?”.

WCM Resource List

WCM Resource List

While the primary focus of this list is for only WCM specific links, I have decided to add a few general SharePoint resources as well, but only when it comes to tasks specific to WCM. For example, you’ll find authentication, Web Parts, and workflow resources listed. These are core WSS v3 topics, but they will be quite common to the WCM developer as well. I’m basically trying to find things that will primarily be of interest to WCM people… not the broader SharePoint crowd.

I’ll continuously update this page with new WCM links as I find them. Speaking of updates…

If you have a WCM link you think would be of interest to the community, please feel free to send it! Just use my contact form on my blog and make sure you give me as much info as you can about it. I’ll happily give you credit in the change log. Remember, the goal is to have a WCM link-fest for everyone in the community… and it’s best to have the community involved!

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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