Microsoft Cloud Show - 446 | Microsoft Tries to Make Nice With FTC and Microsoft Teams Saving the Environment

Microsoft Cloud Show

I co-host a podcast, the Microsoft Cloud Show, with my good friend Chris Johnson.

Microsoft is trying to stave off the wrath of the FTC regarding its latest large acquisition, Microsoft Teams is doing its part to try and help your laptop from exploding & AC and CJ discuss some .NET development with Microsoft Graph.

This episode first appeared on the Microsoft Cloud Show: Episode 446 | Microsoft Tries to Make Nice With FTC and Microsoft Teams Saving the Environment

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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