***NOW AVAILABLE*** Create your own SharePoint Server 2010 RTM Virtual Machine - The Complete Guide

In this article, learn about the release of Critical Path Training's 'SharePoint Server 2010 RTM Set up Guide for Developers'.

With the release of SharePoint Server 2010 to RTM, everyone wants to create their own virtual machine. The process may not be as straightforward as some expect. We at Critical Path Training have created a complete set up guide that helps you get your own environment set up. It includes the following:

  • Setting up a Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Setting up Active Directory & DNS
  • Setting up SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM
  • Setting up & configuring SharePoint Server 2010 RTM
  • Setting up & configuring Office 2010 Professional Plus 2010 RTM
  • Installing SharePoint Designer 2010 RTM
  • Installing Visio 2010 RTM
  • Installing Office Web Applications RTM
  • Setting up & configuring Visual Studio 2010 RTM

Our guide walks you though each step in a ton of detail complete with screenshots along the way. Like I said, there’s tons of detail… over 70pgs worth of helpful instructions! You don’t even need licenses for things like Windows Server 2008 or SQL Server… we show you where to get the trial / evaluation editions of these products. Of course, you’re free to use your own keys if you like.

This guide is provided for free from the members only section of our site. Login (or first create your free account) at Critical Path Training & click on the Members link in the primary navigation (it isn’t there when you aren’t logged in). From there you can access all our members-only content including this document (located under the articles section titled SharePoint Server RTM Virtual Machine Set up Guide).

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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