Reflecting on Days 2 & 3 while in Sydney, Australia

On my second day in Sydney, I prepared demos and talks, but also took the time to enjoy lunch at Doyles and dinner at Cafe Sydney with my colleagues.

Monday was my second day in Sydney… unfortunately I had to spend a good bit of time prepping some stuff for my demos and four talks. Meredith and I did stroll down to The Rocks district for lunch at Doyles which is on the water between the Harbour Bridge & the Opera House… a killer view! Also met up for dinner with Mick Badran, Niki Page, and Ivan Wilson at Cafe Sydney… sitting on the roof outside with yet another killer view of the Harbour Bridge.

Tuesday signaled the start of the APAC SharePoint Conference. I did two presentations, one solo (UX03 - Building and Branding SharePoint Sites Using new Web Content Management Capabilities) and one later in the afternoon with Sezai Komur (ARC05 - Web Content Management Overview). After the conference, Meredith, Joel and I headed to the Sydney Tower for dinner in the spinning buffet restaurant, looking down on the city (and to try camel & kangaroo meat). Unfortunately not much sightseeing opportunities available today

On Wednesday I had two more sessions with Sezai Komur (DEV15 - Extending MOSS 2007 WCM with custom components for Authoring, Rendering, Navigation, Caching, and Operations and ARC13 - Migrating from CMS 2002 to MOSS 2007 Web Content Management) and finished off the day attending the Sydney SharePoint user group with Joel and Fitz to for some open Q/A.

First, thanks to all who attended any or all of my presentations. I’ll upload the slide desks and code samples we used in the sessions early next week when I return to Florida, or watch Sezai’s blog who may beat me to it.

Today (Thursday) Meredith, Joel and I are climbing the Harbour Bridge and hit a few other touristy spots… hope to get some killer pictures from atop the bridge!

Not many pictures the last two days since it’s been mostly work, but more coming later this week.

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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