Welcome to the Newest Podcast on the Microsoft Cloud

I'd like to introduce you to the Microsoft Cloud Show podcast that I co-host with Chris Johnson. Join us as we explore the Microsoft cloud.

Microsoft Cloud Show

Welcome to the newest podcast, the Microsoft Cloud Show co-hosted by yours truly, dedicated to the Microsoft cloud. I’m a big fan of podcasts and have been listening to a good number across different topics for many years. A few months ago my co-host, Chris Johnson (CJ), pitched the idea that we start our own show. At first I was hesitant, but ultimately relented and the result is what you see here! We came up with the name Microsoft Cloud Show (www.microsoftcloudshow.com) because we want to focus on the cloud story as it relates specifically to Microsoft. We will also touch on SharePoint on-premises installations as we both have a long history in the product. So, in this show CJ and I will cover a few main topics:

  • Microsoft’s Windows Azure and related technologies
  • Microsoft’s Office 365, including Exchange Online, Lync Online & SharePoint Online
  • Microsoft SharePoint (on-premises deployments)
  • Competing products & industry landscape as they relate to Microsoft’s cloud offerings such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, etc.

You might ask “what makes this different from the other SharePoint podcasts?” Great question, other SharePoint podcasts, such as the SharePoint Pod Show by Rob Foster, Nick Swan & Brett Lonsdale and The MOSS Show by Hilton Giesenow are interview style shows. While we may conduct the occasional interview, that is not what our goal will be. The Microsoft Cloud Show is going to be more along the news & notes theme as well as taking listener questions. We are also going to strive to make the show relatively brief with the ballpark of roughly 30 minutes per episode.

How Often Will New Episodes Get Released?” We plan to release a new show every 3-4 weeks. Ideally we will settle on a new show biweekly, but we want to see how things go and what the response is like once we go live. We have recorded a few shows out of the gate to make sure we have some in a bank and settle into a routine, so you might here some timing things that seem a bit strange like “didn’t that happen two months ago?”

CJ and I also really want to hear from you! Do you have ideas for episodes? Do you have questions you’d like to ask? If so, stroll over to our site and submit an idea or a question. Ideally we’d love to have your questions submitted as a *.wav so we can play the question on the show.

Personally my inspiration for the show comes from other great shows out there. Some shows I listen to on a regular basis include the following:

We hope you enjoy the show! You can subscribe to the show in iTunes or within the next few hours within the Windows Phone Marketplace or in Windows in the XBOX Music & Video Hub. You can also head over to the site www.MicrosoftCloudShow.com for other subscription options.

Andrew Connell
Developer & Chief Course Artisan, Voitanos LLC. | Microsoft MVP
Written by Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell is a web & cloud developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Microsoft 365. He’s received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored & taught. Andrew’s the founder of Voitanos and is dedicated to helping you be the best Microsoft 365 web & cloud developer. He lives with his wife & two kids in Florida.

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