Video (on-demand) courses

Training comes in a few different flavors.

You have the traditional classroom hands-on approach that is referred to as instructor led training (ILT) where students sit in a classroom and listen to lectures, perform hands-on labs with an instructor delivering the course and answering questions. Another variant of this is doing this online as a virtual instructor-led training (V-ILT). In both ILT & V-ILT the student has access to a live instructor during the delivery of the course and can participate with a high degree of interaction. The third type of training is on-demand training where courses are recorded previously and exist in an online catalog.

These days I focus exclusively on the V-ILT & on-demand delivery options.

From 2013 through 2016, I authored & published ~20 courses for Pluralsight, all of which are linked here.

In October 2016 I launched a new business,, where I’m exclusively focusing & self-publishing all my current and future courses.